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Business IT Services

Help Desk

WTI Communications’ help desk plan gives your small business the technology support you need to stay focused on your work, saving you the significant expenses and hassles associated with hiring and managing an in-house technical support department.

Content Development

To attract quality leads and have the opportunity to turn those prospective clients into satisfied customers, your company website must be optimized for the keywords your potential customers are typing into search engines. We can help you develop original content to make your product stand out from the crowd.

Remote Backup

Our remote backup services ensure your critical data is always safe and secure, even in the event of a major outage or malicious attack. With WTI managing your remote backup plan, you can rest assured knowing your data is in good hands. Our years of industry experience and proven track record will give you the peace of mind to focus your attention on other aspects of your business.


With virtualization WTI can help your business get the resources it needs to operate at peak efficiency. Virtualization is the easy, affordable way to get access to the services and applications you need, without the burden of a high initial investment or having to maintain more equipment than you need to.

Vendor Management

WTI has an in-house, professional team of engineers, regulatory experts, and attorneys to help you solve your communications problems. We have extensive experience and specialized knowledge in billing and customer needs for business IT networks, VoIP phone service and Business T1 Lines, and can help make sure you are getting the most from each of your vendors.

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